
-Cameron Gorrie
To put in the past tense take the last two letters and switch them.
To put in the future tense take off the last two letters, add the first two letters to the end and add an a.

Word Order
-Jocelyn Thompson
The new language should be: "Object, Subject, Verb"
An example: "The cheese I ate."
-Peter W.
The word order should be based on Spanish: "Subject, Verb, Object*"
An example: "I ate the cheese."
*If I am wrong about this, please let me know.
The word order should emphasise the action and direct object(s) more than the subject(s) and indirect object(s): "Verb, Direct Object, Subject, Indirect Object"
- Leonardo Medico Jr.

Descriptive: "Object, Verb, Subject"
An example: "The cheese am I."
Dynamic: "Object, Subject, Verb"
An example: "The cheese I ate."
Proverbial: "Word Order Undecided"
Example: "Example Not Available"
Anti-Imperative: "Word Order Undecided"
Example: "Example Not Available"